Introducing Jorge Hernandez (Updated)

Jorge Hernandez is a fictional character created by author Mima. To learn more about the Hernandez series, go to This blog is in his voice. 

Life is beautiful; this is what I tell my daughter all the time. Even when things are not so good, they usually aren't so bad either. But you know, it does not matter because, in the end, we must solve each problem, deal with the realities it creates and move forward. There is no need to stand around waiting, hoping, dreaming when there is work to be done.

My name is Jorge Hernandez, and I must apologize right now because sometimes, my English is not so good, but it is my second language, you must understand. I'm originally from Mexico, and up until I met my wife Paige, I never thought I would leave. I spent much time in America over the years and some in Canada, but it never occurred to me that I would one day live in the city of Toronto. However, it is in this city that I have the Hernandez companies. This includes Our House of Pot, Hernandez productions, a bar called Princesa Maria (after my daughter), and I also own a crematorium. My daughter, she goes to school here. And of course, there is my wife Paige, this is where we met and fell in love. It would only make sense that I stay here, no? 

But I cannot lie; I do miss Mexico. Our culture, it is so different. Although there are things I do appreciate in Canada, I guess a part of us all have so many memories tied to our home country. It is difficult to separate our minds and hearts from the place we called home for many years.

This is all for today. I'm a busy man. You will have to subscribe to learn more about me. I know there is a button here somewhere. I don't got time to show you where so you must find it yourself. Either way, we will find each other again soon.


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